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Friday, December 21, 2012

Note To Self:

Note To Self:

Note to self: 

Now is the time more than any. Today is the day.  A turning point.  An opportunity.  An open door. A time to say YES. To surrender.  A time to leave any and all baggage from the past that is heavy and weighing you down, holding you back BEHIND.  Drop it.  It is a time of forgiveness, NOW is the only time.  A time to look fear in the face and say "back up buddy"!  Consciously or subconsciously.  It is my wish for you and I and our children, to walk through this portal to a new life together.  A better life...a more conscious life.  One where we embrace who we are and know that in being ourselves fully we will be an integral part of the whole. We will be embraced with open hearts by our community for our unique gifts. We will make our contribution to the world.  We are never "bad" for working through our "stuff" honestly and with integrity together with our friends and loved ones. This  process allows our friends and loved ones the opportunity to work out their stuff too. Isn't that why we are on this planet?  To help one another grow?  To be each others teachers? To love and be loved unconditionally?  We must start this process Of making PEACE with ourselves and be the model of behavior so it becomes the "fashion" of the time, a soon to be "classic" that is always in style..  It is a time for having courageous conversations.  Speaking from the heart.  Hearing through the heart.  Seeing through our heart. And living with our masks off.  To dance, sing and be joyous. To embrace this life with all of it's duality.

We must teach the children that we are capable our a much GRANDER VISION of the world than we are currently seeing role-modeled.  A world where peace is what's trending on twitter.  And good news is the headline story on newspapers and on the evening news!.   We must  DEMAND that television and movies are not full of grotesque, graphic, unapologetic destructive violence and mayhem!  We must DEMAND programming that allows adults and children alike to lay their heads down at night with sweet dreams filling your mind instead of fear and darkness.  Or... turn the t.v. off all together.  Don't allow your living rooms to be filled with toxic waste.  It's all a lie. A charade of fear.  Believe in a different way.  Be brave. 

See the good in your fellow man and find the compassion down deep that it takes to realize we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.  Lets imagine a BEAUTIFUL  LIFE  and a peaceful world and so it shall be.  

Peace, love and light.
                           Today is the day. NOW is the

 time. A turning

 point. An opportunity. An
open door. A time to say YES.

 To surrender. A time to leave
any and all baggage from the

 past that is weighing you
 down, holding you back,

 BEHIND! Drop it. It is a time

 of forgiveness. NOW is the
only time. A time to look fear

 in the face and say "back up
buddy"! It is my wish for you and me and for our children, to

 walk through this portal to a new life together. A better

 life...a more conscious life. One where we embrace who we are

 and know that in being fully ourselves we will be an integral

 part of the whole. We will be embraced with open hearts by our
community for our unique gifts. We will make our contribution to

 the world. We are never "bad" for working through our "stuff"

 honestly and with integrity, together with our friends and

 loved ones. This process allows our friends and loved ones the

 opportunity to work out their stuff too. Isn't that why we are

 on this planet? To help one another grow? To be each others

 teachers? To love and be loved unconditionally? We must start

 this process Of making PEACE with ourselves and be the model of

 behavior so it becomes the "fashion" of the time, a soon to be

 "classic" that is always in style.. It is a time for having

 courageous conversations. Speaking from the heart. Hearing

 through the heart. Seeing through our heart. And living with

 our masks off. To dance, sing and be joyous. To embrace this

 life with all of it's duality.

We must teach the children that we are capable our a much

GRANDER VISION of the world than we are currently seeing role-

modeled. A world where peace is what's trending on twitter

And good news is the headline story in newspapers and on t.v

                                                  Not one full of grotesque, graphic, unapologetic destructive

violence and mayhem! We must DEMAND programming that allows
adults and children alike to lay their heads down at night with
sweet dreams filling your mind instead of fear and darkness.
Or... turn the t.v. off all together. Don't allow your living
rooms to be filled with toxic waste. It's all a lie. A charade
of fear. Believe in a different way. Be brave.

We must DEMAND that television and movies and the evening news

not be filled with fear and violence.

See the good in your fellow man and find the compassion down

                                               deep, to see yourself in his struggles and to realize we are ALL  

                                                                                  Peace, love and light. xo

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Grateful Day

Grateful to be playing with art in my pajama's on a cloudy day in N.C.!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Sip A Smile And A Tune

Spent the evening visiting a friend and dining at a local elderly community with my 10 yr old son! Life there is precious and lived at a slower pace. A smile, hug or handshake can make someone's a day. I tried hard to see the story of someone's life on their worn in face or in their crumpled, or sturdy body posture. It seems the "in" hair style for women is the page boy of all lengths. Mostly white heads...some still use boxed color. The gentlemen pulled out their wives chairs or rolled them with care up to the table. I was surprised to see the amount of couples. I tried to pick my future self out from the ladies seated around the round tables as I sipped on peppermint tea. 

On our way back to my friends room, my son spotted a piano. He has been learning to play for the past 3 years. He sat down and started a Beatles tune. Then Claire de Lune and Beethoven. The crowd grew and folks yelled out the names of the tunes. My son was givin a business card from the activities director. They would love him to come and be the evening entertainment whenever he can fit it in to his schedule. Between homework, play dates, and video games. He was on cloud nine! A great evening. And a solid reminder of what really matters in this world. 

Everyone, slow down, sip your tea and smile at a stranger today. Time fly's... Happy Holidays.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Work In Progress

Haven't been here in a wee bit...working hard to do it all for my Kickstarter supporters...Fun and Easy, Fun and Easy.......I shall return with marvelous stories and insights I am sure of it !   Palms Together as my favorite Won Buddhist priest Won Gong would write....xoxox

Monday, November 19, 2012

My First Blog Interview W/JunipercGoods!!!

Thanks Chandra Leitzell for asking me to be featured on your blog Juniper Goods.  You ROCK...and your jewelry designs do to...pun intended!!  Here it is::


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Reproducing BEAUTY!! A Kickstarter project!!!

YAYYYY!!!! I am now live on KICKSTARTER!!!!! What is kickstarter you say????? Check out the link below.....Please and thank you for ANY and ALL support....I'ts an ALL or NOTHING fund drive so lets make it happen together!! 21 days to pledge $5 - $500...it all adds up!! xoxo Peace and Beauty to you! I'll be in touch!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tears in my pumpkin spiced latte and then some.....

Well, today started like any other friday in the salon. A beautiful crisp sunny Oct  morn in NC.   I greeted my first client with a warm hello, she sat down in the  styling chair and I  immediately sensed  her mood was somber.  I actually sensed her mood as I saw her walking up the walkway to the salon.  I've had this super power since I was a wee one. I am a mood whisperer.  Not always helpful in life and relationship, more on that later.  Anyhoo...onward.   I asked her how she was and she let out a tremendous sigh...."well I've been better she stated, it's been a trying week"  I said  I was sorry to hear that and waited a moment to see if now was the time she wanted to give details.  It wasn't.  She went on to say how she liked her hair and thought it could just use a little color to cover the gray and a shape up. We discussed what our beautification plan was and I made her comfortable with tea and a magazine as I fetched her special hair color formula from the color room.  Knowing full well as she relaxed she would most likely open up about her week.

In the color room I mixed her formula and tried to breathe and center myself as my week had been trying as well.  At 10:00 am I was doing my best not to wish the day away.  What I longed for was some silence, alone time. To rest my overactive mind. But, I wanted to stay present and be attentive to the needs of my clients today. Some days this job is really hard. I had already seen over 20 clients this week and each one came in with a mood, a story, and a bag full of needs.  Some more full than others.

It was Friday just a handful of clients to go and a 3 day weekend ahead. I could do it.  I loved this work. I was just tired.  Her color was mixed so off I went to banish her gray and attend to some Hairapy.

I won't go into major detail but as I applied her color my client revealed that 3 people who were fairly close to her had died this week.  A 21 yr old college student whom she had befriended in the neighborhood as he had attended the same high school as her daughter.  They shared a love of cooking and had coffee and chats on occasion about what he would do with his future.  He was house sitting in a European country when his parents lost contact with him.  They flew out of the country to find him.  Instead they found a note on the outside door of the home he was staying in that said, do not enter, call 911.  Tragically he had taken his own life.

The husband of a dear friend of my clients had also decided to end his own life this week, as he suffered on and off over the years with depression.  My client had lunch with her the week before and said she was the most optimistic she had seen her in a while. The tears flowed.

The third was the father of a childhood friend who was dancing at a wedding the week before he died of a heart attack.

We sat and cried and talked then didn't talk.  We shook our heads and tried to find answers.  I tried to get philosophical and realized it was not the time.  I needed to just listen and allow my client a safe space to just weep.  Let her hair down and leave some sorrow behind.  She did.  2 hrs later she left with fresh hilites a shape up and a little lighter load.

This is what I do.  We do - as hairstylist. - Hairapists.  We provide a sacred space for folks to be. To let their hair down.

It was noon now and I still have 3 more clients to go.  It's always the days that look easy on paper that end up getting ya.  I can't say I did great at staying present today.  There were times I almost lost it.  I looked cool as a cucumber on the outside but inside I knew how far behind I was running.  I had rearranged a few appointments today as to make room for someone who needed to get in to see me before the weekend.  One of the clients who agreed to come in early was late. This threw my whole day off, which led to  me eating lunch standing up while simultaneously checking my voicemail.  I hate those days.    My last two clients showed up at the same time, as the third who was late, was still at the desk taking down my address so she could send me a check since she had forgotten her check book when she rushed out of  the office.  I needed to pee.

 I took a deep breath excused myself  to the ladies room and peed.  A long pee.  A head in my hands kind of pee. Washed my hands for a long time and took another deep breath as I reentered the scene.

 Both of my last two clients had lost their husbands.  One, 10 yrs ago.  One, 5 months ago.  The first came in to the salon 10 yrs ago at my first salon with her arm in a sling.  She was accompanied by a girlfriend which at the time I thought was a bit odd.  I was in the middle of a busy day and as she sat down in the reception area, I turned to her from behind the chair told her I would be with her just as soon as I could.  I said gosh what happened to your arm she lifted her head and said "a car accident".  I said "wow, I hope that was the worst of it" and finished up with the client in my chair.  Later as she sat and weeped in my chair she recounted the story of the previous week.   Her 8 yr old son had been invited to a sleepover so she and her husband decided to try a new mexican restaurant in town for dinner.  Her husband drove.  He never saw the car coming as he made the left hand turn into busy traffic.  He was killed instantly.  She learned of the tragic news as she lay recovering from her injuries in the hospital.  She does not remember the accident.

My client said she wanted to keep her appointment with me because she needed things to be as normal as possible and she knew I would take good care of her.  My heart still breaks thinking back to this day.    Her son is doing well in his first year of college.  Today she brought me a pumpkin spiced latte. As we colored her once  mousey gray hair we chatted and laughed and she told me about the dating site she had recently signed up for.  Yay, for her.  The anti- depressants are working.

My last client as been coming to see me for almost 15 yrs.  She started with me the month after I moved to NC.  Her partner was diagnosed with cancer in Nov and died in Feb at 53.  She is recovering and never misses an appt.  She is the client who I needed to rearrange my schedule for.  Today was a good day for her.  Time is healing her.

One day maybe these two women will meet at the salon, share stories and encourage one another.

Until then it's just another day in the salon...some happy some sad.  BEAUTY IS AS BEAUTY DOES.  Now some one get me a beer and leave ma alone for a while, I need a rest!  xox

Moral: Time is precious, life is short. Everything is impermanent.  Be in the moment and give what and when you can.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Stepping in!

Finding time to see the beauty in every "ordinary day" starting with you!  Make today a Be-U-tiful day! Then share some beauty with another.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Inspiration Overload!

   Hey ya'll.  yes I said ya'll.  It is such an exciting time for me.  I am feeling so much creative energy flowing through my bod.  Idea's popping out of me like.... pimples on a sleeping 13 yr old. ( SEE!!)

I am finding difficult to stay tuned in to any one project as I am embarking on this creative journey.  I keep having to fend off the "should" monster in favor of my intuitive longings...  Like,  I should.....

1.  work on your blog template/ design 
2.  Paint
3.  Go shopping for a new pair of boots to wear to the conference next wk.
4.  Make dinner
5. Vacuum
6 .Exercise
7. Write in your blog
8. Hairapist ideas / classes

 I am much better at detecting  the 'should"monster these days.  The "shoulds" come from parts of my miserable inner critic, from loved ones and the "higher authority"  of  "others" out there whom  I imagine know more than I on well, any givin topic. But who better to listen to on matters of the soul than ...well, MY soul.

So you can see which one won out!!

There will still be time for me to cook, exercise and paint today if I choose to do all!

On another note......

               Meanwhile... in the SALON
I wanted to share a few photos of my friend Julie that I took this wk after cutting her hair!! The girl has STYLE (OUTER BEAUTY) and I just love the one where she is laughing!!  It really showcases her INNER BEAUTY!!!      Thanks JULIE!



My Salon as it looks now... SOON to become FLOW Beauty.

Going to get started painting now.........tootles!!  By the way LOVIN up my Kelly Rae E - course!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Where I Left Off

So, last time I posted  (which was the first time I posted) I was just back from a life changing trip to the stunning Hawaiian islands, Maui and Oahu to be precise. The photo on that first post was taken by me on Oahu's N. Shore and it showed a majestic scene beyond a wide expanse of roadway...a path to the great unknown...well, metaphorically speaking, I did just say it was the N. Shore of HI.  This is where I am today.  A few steps ahead but still with the wide expanse in front of me.  And I am liking it!

For those of you who don't know me I have spent just under half of my life as a hairstylist. WOW!  That is crazy when I put it like that!!  I have LOVED what I chose to do in the beauty industry, loved it for many years...grew from a stylist working for salon owners, to being an independent contractor to currently owning my own salon!  I have put my heart and soul into the business and it had been good to me. I love to make people feel and look great !!

Lately, I have felt burnt out.  For a few yrs  now to be honest. The kind of burn out that puts you on the couch after a long day, watching shows like Intervention and Housewives of Somewhereville...just to numb out!  Not proud. But true.

 At the same time, I have been on a personal journey of growth and spiritual awakening. The idea of only attending to my clients on the surface (outer beauty)  has started to lack meaning for me.  I have been more interested lately in (inner beauty) the deep soul work I have been doing on myself over the years.

 I have always talked about writing a book about how stylists really are more like therapists than most folks realize. Unless you have experience with Hairapy you don't know what really goes on.  A few yrs ago I started researching and doing some writing on this topic and I am super excited to bring my ideas to life in the near future.  THAT is one part of this new path I am excited to share here on this blog and beyond.

The other is my long desire to rekindle my love affair with painting and art in general.  I went to art school a long time ago and have always considered myself and artist  (of course hairstyling is an art and it has saved me over the years) but it was not until my 8yr old son casually said to me one day "Mom you are not an artist, Dad is" (my husband paints as well, and has been steadily at it over the years) That I thought, 'Wow, my son really does not know who I am...I am too an artist and I need to prove it!' ....To myself.  Then, life, work, bills, friends  and the couch got in the way and I continued to be, shall we say.. miserable and whiney and blamey....mostly directed at my dear hubby.  Oh for shame.  I am over that stage. Finally. Love you hon.

Hawaii opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. Not because it was Hawaii. I did not go to any special seminars or classes. No special anything.  It could have been Hoboken N.J. The place did not matter. The space did.  And my readiness. A crazy, unimaginable set of circumstances landed me there, ( that's another post, another day) by myself for ..11 days, 11 glorious days to wander, wonder, and to be.  To find the me who went missing all those years before.  Before I became a wife, a mother, a business owner- just to name a few of my roles.

 I found her one lazy May afternoon in the town of Kailua at a cozy coffee shop off of a side street next to a diner where the locals eat yummy pancakes with cocoanut inspired syrups and spicy exotic sausage. I sat for hours sipping iced chai, sketching and painting with a set of traveler watercolor pencils. Totally and completely in the moment absorbed and content.  Happy.  Listening to my new most favorite music and most of all inspired beyond belief.  The kind of inspired that makes you want to go up to people and hug them, strangers and maybe even kiss them!! Jump out of your skin giddy!  It was clear to me finally!  No more excuses.  And for the first time in a very long time I knew what I had to do. My very life  force energy depended on it.  My art.  I did not have a plan.  But that would come. "Just do it", I heard this pop cultured phrase in a new way. "A painter paints" my husband would always say when I whined about the artists "block".  A writer writes.  Simple.. . not easy.  Necessary at this juncture- for sure.

  SO much to do.. My very first priority is making time for art and writing in my life.  That might have sounded selfish to me a few years ago.  I have a child and husband for gods sake...  wisdom has shown me clearly the lesson of filling the well.  For me my well needs to be filled with quiet creative time to myself, happily balanced with my other loves of family and friends.  But it has become clear to me I get off balance  AKA  miserable bitch, if i don't afford this time to myself. A lesson hard learned!!

I am inspired by so many many wonderful artists in my local community and beyond and am happy to be taking an online course as i write by an amazing woman artist I found soon after I returned to NC, Kelly Rae Roberts! A kindred spirit and a new group of amazing women in the "flying lessons" classes!  She is helping me with my plan!  Thanks Kelly!  Love, and creativity to you all for now.  Over and out. Palms together.
                       (My work below)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ready For My Closeup...Well almost.

Tap, tap.... is this thing on?..... Testing....Hello out there!
I cannot help but get the image of myself standing on a spotlit stage staring out into the darkness. It's the middle of Somewhereville. A mostly empty high school auditorium. A few chuckles and a hacking cough in the back row. I'm nervous and kind of excited too. Or, the scene of  a lifeless bar on a  wed night open mike.  My eyes squinting, my nose wrinkling as the accusing brightness of the spot light threatens to divulge my secrets.  
This is what blogging feels like to me at he moment. And I am ready for my closeup...well almost. 

The entire world of blogging is new to me as I write this first post.  I suck at typing and I don't have my glasses on because I keep forgetting I need them.  I reach up to see if they are perched on top of my head and as I do this I feel a whispering breeze of "old" rush over me. I shake of the chill and tell myself my eyes could use a bit of exercise because clearly my ass does not want it at the moment, as I sit here and write.  

Just be yourself, put YOU into your blog, authenticity is what they want, your readers..... huh..people are going to read this stuff?  To be determined.

 I like to do my research before I step out into a new venture.  Yes, I have just finished reading the latest articles on how to blog successfully.  Articles like:  How To Make Money With Your Blog, How To Win Friends, Influence People, Sell Your Stuff, Sell Other Peoples Stuff, Teach Stuff, Inspire People, Teach People To Inspire People, Inspire People To Teach People, Get Book Deals, Movie Deals, Pay Off Your Mortgagee in 5 Years Writing 30 Min A Day, End World Hunger and Start World Peace With Your Blog...........seriously?  Don't get me wrong I want all of that for myself and the world.  But this is not why I am writing today.  I am writing today because this is what is bringing me joy.. today..now...for the moment.  

A few years ago I decided to give up on my dream to save the world.  This happened quietly one  October morning on my drive to work.  I was at that place with my own self growth where I had hit a wall.  Why did I continue to make the same neurotic decisions over and over again?  I knew better intellectually.  Eat less, exercise more lose those 10 pound of baby weight.  Had the answers to all of my friends problems, griefs and mishaps.  Could see right thru my family of origins dysfunction. Continually reminded my husband about all of the things he needed to work on. But I was still  stuck in the same place.  And I found myself searching so hard to find my mission, my calling,  knowing deep inside I came here with a mission( not just a purpose, oh everyone has one of those) but a mission....  think Spiritual Special Forces. I am a helper, a peacemaker, a changemaker.  I thought that one day if I could just find the right cause and get my shit together I could help save the world make a contribution to world peace, end war, invent something totally amazing..  Yes little 'ol (I did not say old) me.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Duh, how did I expect to change the world if I couldn't even change myself?  I got it.  Right there on that green country road, the one that I had traveled so often that it's 8 mile stretch seemed like 3 to me. Did you ever notice how the road we know seems so much shorter? When new friends would visit I would always hear  "you live out in Knowhweresville." That is until they traveled the road enough times to come to know it too, it's twists and turns it's hills and valleys.. It is always the unknown that feels longer, darker, scarier, never ending.    

So this is where find myself today. On the corner of  Knowheresville and Somwheresville talking to you.  Walking into an unknown new world.  Working on changing myself into the me I know I am supposed to be.  In doing so, knowing I hold the key to my only chance to really help the world. Carving out precious moments to spend my time doing what brings me joy trusting that thru this expression my mission revealsl itself.  This is the only way I know how to be true to myself and those around me.  One post, one painting one hug and one dance at a time. Stay tuned, it should be fun and a little scary................tap,tap....is this thing on???