She talked to me about her aging. About her wrinkles and age spots. About style. She spoke about comfortable shoes, how she liked mine and about her OCD. She liked to make lists. Things she needed to do. To buy. To remember. The lists made her feel better.
I listened as she talked. I carefully positioned the tiny round wooden wax laden stick on her brow bone. I knew the angle of her face and the shape I wanted to achieve. I had done this 100 times before. Every 5 weeks to be exact.
She had not been diagnosed with OCD but she knew she had it.
She had returned from a trip to an acquaintances home the day before. Knowing. The acquaintance had had some surgery and was laid up for a while so my client brought her dinner. As my client made her way thru the garage into the home, she noticed how there was not much room to get by. Upon entering the home she noticed how messy and disorganized the house was. This made her "uncomfortable". She tried to make excuses to herself about why the house was so disheveled. How could this woman clean when she was laid up? The teenagers that were also living in the house were just that, teenagers. They messed things up and never bothered to clean up after themselves and this woman had simply "given up" for the moment. And of course her husband was always at work. It was not a hoarders home she told me, just really very messy.
Upon returning to her own home she saw for the very first time just how neat it was. Just how clean. Just how organized. This too made her "uncomfortable". She shook it off. I listened as I walked her back to the styling chair, as I draped the black silk cutting cape around her and as I snipped and trimmed her thick wet hair into her usual style. I listened as I felt the ache in my back that sometimes comes from 5 straight days of standing behind the chair. Even with my comfortable shoes on.

I spun my client around to face the mirror and she smiled a half smile. Thank you you always do such a wonderful job she said. Thanks for listening she said. I bet you get tired of hearing every ones stories No of course not I said. Only half meaning it.
I brought her to the front desk and re scheduled her thru the next 3 months. See you in 5 weeks she said. Ok, have a good time this weekend at your party.
I swept the floor and thought about change. I turned out the salons lights as I closed up shop. I drove the familiar streets home to my son and husband and thought about death. I watched the late Aug leaves letting go of their branches and I breathed a deep breath in. On the out breath I thought about how much I appreciated my "just right" messy, wonderfully achy life.